Digital Lab (Digital Lab: Print & Electronic Design)

myBook vērtējums: ☆☆☆☆☆
Valoda: Latviešu
€ 10.00
Pievienots: 06.05.2024. 17:48
Skatījumi: 58
Piegāde: / Pakomāti
Apmaksa: Skaidrā naudā / Pārskaitījums
Stāvoklis: Lietots, labā stāvoklī
Design for advertising is huge. This book takes a look at leading advertising campaigns from around the world and the design that has made them so successful. From print to screen-based, projects are diverse in terms of both scale and budget. The author devotes a chapter to each project with comments from designers, clients, repro houses and printers. Approximately 10 projects are featured, showin
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